The Dyson Pure Cool™ purifier – Educational

Explore the Dyson Pure Cool

Air pollution isn't just a problem outside. It's a problem inside too.

Pollutants can build up inside your home, you just can't see them.




The air we breathe can contain pollutants called Particulate Matter (PM), measured in microns. A human hair measures around 100 microns. Inhalable particles under 10 microns in diameter, such as pollen, are known as PM 10, while cooking gases and other pollutants can be PM 2.5 or less. Because our houses tend to be more sealed these days, pollutants and allergens can't always escape. But they can be captured.

It's not just visible pollutants that can be harmful.

It's also those you can't see


Potentially harmful, particles and gases can be found throughout the home, these include…


PM 10

Pollen and allergens from plants and flowers

PM 5.0

Bacteria and mould spores

PM 2.5

Industrial emissions


Ultrafine particles


Carpets, rugs and flooring

Ozone Gases

Household fumes and cooking

Benzene and VOCs

Cleaning products and scented candles

Nitrogen Dioxide

Gas hobs and cooking fumes

Dyson purifying fans sense and capture 99.95% of ultrafine particles and pollutants, then project purifed air throughout your whole room.19


Senses and reports particles and gases. In real time.22

Sealed filtration system. Captures 99.95% of particle pollutants as small as 0.1 microns.1

Projects purified air around the whole room using Air Multiplier™ technology. Mixes and circulates the air, to reach every corner of the room.19

Intelligently control and monitor your air quality, with the Dyson Link app.

Control your Dyson Pure Cool™ purifying fan and quickly monitor air quality indoors and out – direct from your device. Schedule, remote control and personalize your machine.14